About charities and the future

There it is. The end of the holiday season came faster than an electric tandem three-wheeler at full speed. We hope that for you, the dear reader who always takes the time to read this blog, it was REALLY a warm period. And if you are one of those people who has a wonderful New Year's goal, we already have some wise advice for you. Set the bar as high as possible, so that you can easily walk under it without hesitation. That's how your writer in question also lost 10 kilos in 2024. With only 15 kilos to go, things are looking good!

Magic, warmth and togetherness

The holiday season is a magical time of warmth and connection. It is a time when the cold outside is compensated for by the warmth of togetherness inside. The smell of freshly baked cookies and pine resin fills the air, while soft lights illuminate the darkness. We gather with friends and family, sharing stories, laughing at old memories and creating new ones. The days seem to stand still as everyone surrenders to enjoying each other's company and the simple joy of being together.

On the other hand, the holiday season is also a time of celebration where the chaotic stress is sprinkled with glitter and the uncomfortable excess of food is washed away with a touch of cinnamon. It is a wonderful time of queuing in the shops while we all sing along to wonderful Christmas music (All I want for Christmas is… yooouuhoouuu).

But above all, it is also the time of year where warm weeks are transformed into good causes. And thanks to the Schapenstal, one girl was particularly happy this year.

"Schapenstal" on the map

Hundreds of reactions. The amount of messages (with or without pictures) that flowed in to say "schol Marieke" or "Wow, it's really chic here, we'll drink one extra", we really can't count them anymore. Many of you also liked seeing that there was such a beautiful pop-up winter bar in picturesque Zonderschot. People from all over Flanders made the effort to visit between December 7, 2024 and January 5, 2025. And let's be honest: it's worth it! What a top quality bar this was?!

Volunteer work

Of course, we have also visited a few times! On the opening day of the Schapenstal we met teacher Kristel. She took the time to explain why the winter bar is such a success.

Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back to the community and make a difference in the lives of others. It is about selflessly using your time, talents and energy to help others and bring about positive changes. In this way, various associations also get the chance to do a shift during one of the many Christmas days. These associations then get a push in the back at the end of the ride. And if an association could not tap one day, a pleasant group (Portie mixed) was called in and they stood behind the bar with a big smile.

The "Great Good Cause"

Heist-op-den-Berg lives for and through the association life. In the previous blog you could already learn that Ella-Marie was one of the two big goals of this year. Thanks to 2 sweet teachers she was chosen to buy something this year that would make her life easier.

On January 5th the time had come. The demo bike (see photo above) was handed over. The "real" bike is currently still being assembled by the professionals of Mobile Technics. Ella-Marie's three-wheel tandem will look a bit more modern and especially more girlish. As soon as the weather permits, Ella-Marie will cycle to the big IMG every day to complete her school obligations with a smile.

To our great surprise, the bike was not the only thing she received. The success of the Schapenstal ensured that an exceptionally large check was sent to Ella-Marie. That check will therefore only be used to promote Ella-Marie's physical and mental progress. A non-exhaustive list includes work materials for G-swimmers and G-gymnasts, school resources and daily operating resources.

About progress and New Year's Eve singing

Because that's what it's all about for us, as parents. To guide Ella-Marie in the best possible way.

And thanks to the help of all of you, we are also seeing REALLY good progress. A good example was the New Year's Eve singing. For those who are not from the big Heist-op-den-Berg and surroundings, here's a brief explanation:

New Year's Eve singing, a charming tradition in which we open our front doors en masse from 9 am on December 31st for a choir of children who, armed with sparklers and a slightly desperate smile, try to entertain our ears with their "angel singing". Of course, they all sound like the next pop stars! :-) It is particularly moving to see how our neighborhood children, full of self-confidence, with their winter coat half open and a scarf hanging behind them somewhere, wander through the streets in the hope of collecting some pocket money and especially lots of candy.

And we, the willing listeners, wait for them at the door with a smile, puffs of breath in the cold air, our wallets already half open. Of course we reward this heroic effort, because nothing says "Happy New Year" like paying off your small debt to the next generation with a coin and a cookie here and there.

But let's be honest, behind the mild sarcasm lies a warm heart. Because who can resist the smile of a child with sparkling eyes receiving a euro for their brave singing performance? It is a tradition that reminds us of the simplicity and joy of giving, no matter how shrill the notes may sound.

Now really about progress

Let me take you back to what it was like on December 31, 2023. After a year full of uncertainty, we push the wheelchair from door to door with a feeling of relief. With full dedication, but still clearly tired, Ella-Marie sings the familiar tunes like the new Rihanna or Ariana Grande. People make the effort to step out of their doorway and put an extra candy in her pocket. "Wow girl, you're doing well", "Wow Ella-Marie" and "gosh darling, this really makes me emotional to see you here like this" are regularly on their lips.

December 31, 2024. Ella-Marie called a friend and asked if she wanted to sing along. Olivia also brought a friend and under the watchful eye (but still from a distance) of daddy Pieter, the friends went out. NOT in a wheelchair, but with support from the friend or hand in hand with the sister.

Several neighbors spoke to us and we also received nice messages:

"Hey Annelies and Pieter, a nice day today with all those singing children. But how much fun did I find it that Ella-Marie just came to sing at our door "alone"?! That immediately puts a huge smile on everyone's face I think :-)
We wish you happy holidays and a new year with everything you wish for with your fantastic girls! *kiss*"

And on to the future

Progress. Totally unexpected, but oh so good progress. And Ella-Marie is still not at her limit, because her next goal is "walking on a treadmill".

In addition, she would very much like to start (and complete :-)) the "Basic logistics maintenance" training in Special Education in secondary school. In that training she will become acquainted with all the support services in various healthcare institutions and hospitals. She will sharpen her communication skills and learn to work with all the modern maintenance techniques.

Or to put it in her words: "I would love to become a teaching assistant, take care of small children or play bingo with old people."

All tests show that she wants to focus on "Society and welfare". Since she was 3 years old, Ella-Marie has visited various hospitals, undergone major operations and has undergone long rehabilitation in the Pulderbos. It is therefore not surprising that the intrinsic motivation will be there.

Thank you

Dear reader, thank you for reading this blog to the end. Also a very special "Thank you" to everyone who made the effort to support Ella-Marie.

We are huge fans of the Schapenstal. You too?! :-)

5 January 2025